Neon Blue Bulletin Board Letters

Yesterday, I shared a set of Neon Green Bulletin Board Letters with you. As promised, I'm sharing more colors. Today is blue! If you read my earlier post about color-coding the classroom, you'll notice that these would go great with that theme. I'll share my purple ones with you tomorrow. Click here to download a PDF to use to print as many as you need. Here's a screenshot of what they look like:

Well folks, tomorrow is the last day of colored letters - purple. I'm not sure if I'll have time to post more in the upcoming week. I am recording a large number of Grade 1 band pieces with the Lone Star Wind  Orchestra & UNT Wind Symphony for the next GIA Teaching Music Through Performance in Band (100 pieces are being recorded from this past Sunday through Thursday). 

I hope you've enjoyed all these freebies. I hope to post more soon. 

Take care, MSBM!


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