Keeping Your Resolutions

Have you ever created a list of New Years resolutions that you SWORE you would keep? You probably did well with it for a couple of weeks and then those resolutions went to the wayside. What happened? Have you just given up on making New Years resolutions all together? If you have, that's normal. The thought is, "Why set myself up for failure?" Well, let me help you get rid of that negative thinking. New Years resolutions CAN work and transform your life for the better. You just have to create the right list and frame your thinking to enable you to create success.

Ready to learn how? Let's do this! First of all, you need to do some soul searching to figure out what you really want/need to change this year. If you are completely satisfied with your life and situation, you don't really need to create resolutions. But if you are like most, you have at least one thing that you want to change to improve your life this year. Jot down the things that you want to change. Then look over your list and find out what really speaks to you. What is the ONE thing that would make your heart sing if you were to make happen this year? What gives you strong emotions? When you have strong feelings about something, you are less likely to make excuses. You will give priority to those things you really care about. 

So, you've identified that one big thing that you have strong feelings about and really want to work on this year. Now what? The next step is to publicly declare that this will be your focus. It is important to have a support system that will help you to stay accountable. Not everyone will be supportive. If you've tried before and failed, there will be those who may not believe in you. That's okay. Find someone else to believe in you and lift you up. You will slip up and you need someone to tell you that's okay and to press on. Take advantage of social media. Post your goals and your progress along the way throughout the year. You'll find support from some surprising folks. People who you never thought would care or comment, will give you so much love and encouragement. 

How will you track your progress? Find resources to help you track your progress on your resolution throughout the year. There are so many digital trackers now! If you are a paper and pen kind of person, buy a quality planner or a special notebook and use that. Make it a habit to document your progress - whether that be daily or weekly. It takes an average of sixty-six days for something to become a habit. That is what you are going for - creating a new habit - a new way of life. If you slip up and miss a day, that's okay. Just get back into those healthy habits. Use your support system and just get back on track.

What if you don't see progress? Don't give up! You live with yourself every day and that makes it difficult to see the changes taking place. That's why taking pictures and tracking is so important. Stick with your resolution for a full year - 365 days! Talk to your loved ones and your support system. They will help you to see the changes you may not see. Meet up with an old friend that you haven't seen a long time. They will help you to see how much you've changed for the better. Compare pictures from now with pictures from this time next year. 

The main thing is to not give up. Do not make excuses. Believe in yourself. Keep yourself accountable. This past August I made a commitment to myself to exercise every day for 365 days. I didn't make my goal limiting by saying I had to go to the gym every day, or had to exercise for X amount of minutes each day - just exercise. I take a selfie and post it on my Facebook and Instagram stories each day to keep myself accountable. Have there been days I've missed? Yes. That is disappointing to me, but I just pick myself up and press on. When I was sick with a sinus infection I could barely do anything outside of laying in bed. It would be unrealistic for me to have exercised when I was so sick. At any rate, I have changed my habits and that's what's important. I'm feeling better and feel joy when my clothes fits better. 

What will my New Years resolution be this year? I think I will just continue to work on the resolution I set in August. What is YOUR resolution? How can I help you stay accountable? I'll start by saying that I believe in you and can't wait to hear about your successes!


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