Summer Band Day 2

Let me say that I have the best kids around. I know every teacher says that, but I really do. I found out today that many of my students have been walking to and from camp with their instruments - some live pretty far away. It was raining off an on today too, so many of them faced the rain and got wet to come to band camp. I could tell today that many of them practiced last night too. It's just awesome! 

We made more progress on the daily drills and All-Region music today. I'm so proud of them. Here are the clarinet kiddos: 
No, one of them is not headless. He was hiding behind the stand. Lol.

Here are some of the low brass/bassoon kids:
This was from the end of the sectional. The horn player was here early for her sectional. I like how she's peeking from underneath the music stand. These are such good kids! 

An alum from my band program here came and taught a private lesson today. She had asked me if she could come help and I said, "Yes! Of course!" She is now a junior and is one of the drum majors at her school. She did a great job. Here she is teaching my horn student:
I had about the same number of kids show up for band camp today. Some kids who came yesterday didn't make it to camp today, but some came today that were not at camp yesterday. 

During my lunch break today, I started creating gmail accounts for my students so  they can all use SmartMusic. I enrolled one of the students in the correct class through SmartMusic. My plan is to create email accounts for each student with their password being bms plus their student ID (example: bms123456), enroll them in the correct classes through SmartMusic, and then create a How-To sheet to give to the kids so they know how to log in and get started with SmartMusic. Since I have SmartMusic already activated on the practice room computers, they can get started already before they buy the home subscription. 

On another topic, the fine arts hallway has been beautified this summer. Other than the posters I made, there are now wall decals and a music-related poster. Here are the pictures. 
The choir poster I made:
Handmade wall decals with music-themed scrapbook paper:
Store-bought wall decals that say, "Music expresses the joy of the soul" & a store-bought music poster:
The band poster I made:

This post was written on Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 8:04 PM. 


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